What is Ludo Game & How to build it? A Complete Guide for Beginners

Are you have a interest to build ludo game? Here is A Complete Guide for Beginners about ludo game.

What is Ludo Game & How to build it? A Complete Guide for Beginners

    What is Ludo Game & How to build it? A Complete Guide for Beginners


    Gaming is a crunchy topic everywhere moreover every one should play the game in their life and age is not a matter. Here, earn money with games which adds crispness to the games. In an online game, betting is the main theme when you play the game there is a 100% possibility of winning the money and also a 100% possibility to lose the money. Ludo is an online game that is quite popular in India, Europe, the USA, and also in various countries.


    This game is coming from the pachisi traditional game in India. The goal of the game is to get every one of your pawns inside the home space, which is situated in the center of the board. There are two types of people here, playing ludo games in one type and the second type is ready to build the ludo game. Besides, they prefer the ludo game development company to build their game to their requirements.


    Types of ludo game

    Nowadays types of ludo games in playing which are


    • Multiplayer

    • Challenge

    • Local mode

    • Computer


    Rules to Play Ludo Game


    1. Ludo is played on a cross-shaped board. Each arm has 15 spaces in three rows. The center row of each arm is the home segment of the color BEAD indicated and prompts to the home area in the middle. Around the edge of the board are 4 beginning areas.


    2. Ludo requires one to die.


    3. Every player chooses four BEADs in the color of their choice.


    4. BEADs are placed in the beginning area nearest to the player.


    5. Players choose who starts the game by rolling a die.


    6. Play happens in a clockwise direction.





    1. A player should roll a 6 to move a BEAD from their starting area onto the circuit. If a player has no BEADs in play and does not roll a 6, they relinquish their turn.


    2. In turn, every player rolls the die and moves any BEAD on the track, the number of spaces showed. Players must use the full number of moves on a single BEAD.


    3. At the point when a player rolls a 6, they can decide to either start a new BEAD or move a BEAD now in play.


    4. When a player rolls a 6 they can roll again for the next move. A player can only utilize two continuous rolls of 6.


    5. A player can't land on a square that is already involved by one of their BEADs.


    6. In the event If a player lands on a square that is occupied by their opponent's BEAD, the opponent’s BEAD is set back in their starting square, requiring a move of 6 to move the BEAD back into play.


    7. Players keep moving their BEADs around the board until they have finished the circuit and can move their BEADs up their home column to the home area in the focal of the board.


    8. Players require an exact roll to land on the home zone.






    To win a player must be the first to move all their BEADs around the board, up their home section, and into the home area.




    1. Ludo is a board game for 2 to 4 players, in that the players race their four tokens from beginning to finish according to dice rolls.


    2. Like different cross and circle games, Ludo is gotten from the Indian game Pachisi, but Ludo is more simple.


    3. The earliest proof of this game in India is the depiction of boards on the caves of Ajanta. This game was played by the Mughal rules of India - a notable example is Akbar.



    How lucrative is the ludo game for business people


    Players can play and earn Ludo online by competing with other players. Use provided add cash or tokens to play games with your opponent to win more than what you spent. Playing online ludo games is very exciting but also earn while you play. " More you play more you earn ".


    Ludo Game Development Company

    Gamesdapp is the leading ludo game development company. Our Ludo Game Software Provider gives top-notch games which, truly satisfy the players and give a great user experience. Our team of game developers program and design the game to give the best ludo game in terms of quality.

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